How do I even start…

Hi. Once again, I sit here typing this to you from my room, except this time, it wasn’t planned. There was no thought of “I should write today” or “Maybe I should start writing again?” I think that is what makes this a bit different: the natural way of finding myself here communicating through the wonderful world wide web.

Which by the way, is on the verge of collapse due to ‘net neutrality’ but that is a different story and many people’s opinion vary, so lets not talk politics, shall we?

So! Why am I writing you ask? Well, as stated previously, I had no intention of dedicating like 3 hours trying to find out what to do with myself until I realized how much I was in fact not actually doing. I have become very lazy as you can tell. Gone is the girl with commitment and determination, replaced by the high school student that has so much on her plate that she lacks the will to do anything.

*brief pause to figure out where the heck I left off on this thing*

Oh, wow. It has been exactly 1 year and 2 days. But right, who’s counting. Let’s dive right in.

So December 16th, I left off on the last blog post with some quotes. Mainly, I believe, to encourage myself not to go crazy due to finals, boys, and all the other things life threw at me, and I artfully dodged.

As I recall, after finals, I went home, celebrated Christmas with family, received a macro lens for my camera and had a blast with that. Then, my family traveled to our little cabin snuggled in the mountains and enjoyed some quality mountain time. I also did like a 10 mile hike and got some amazing shots, which I will post as a collection at some point, I promise. Then, we celebrated New Year’s, drank, danced, and traveled back home. The next few weeks were a blur, partly because they were some very good weeks for me. Snow days, track preseason, snow all filled my days and made me realize school is absolute bull and I need to live more. And run, because I was super out of shape for track, which ultimately caused my demise and resulted in a bruised tibia.

But wait! There is more! Pole vault over summer went amazing and I focused highly on that and training, and that set me on my way to start the school year off with optimism and hope. I also volunteered at the hospital over summer and still am, which always has its perks. (CPR certified to save your life!)