
Shattered Oblivion

teenage blog



Quote of the Week

What can’t be cured must be endured. 

– Robert Burton

Quote of the Week

As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely upon authority, there is no end to our troubles.

– BERTRAND RUSSELL, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish

Here’s to Another Day (Day 17)

Writing from the same spot, here I am. Back and better than ever? HAHA! I wish! You’re funny. But I will say I am pretty well now. Much has happened. Let’s recap, shall we? Continue reading “Here’s to Another Day (Day 17)”

Another Hello

This blog was an idea just a year ago. It hasn’t come too far and probably won’t. But as it is my 1 year anniversary of this blog, I’m going to do something special! Since my computer sources are unavailable at the moment, it will have to wait a week or two. (Story of my life basically.) What I will tell you is that it includes the only the best of my photography and writing. So, until then,  happy 4th of July! 🙂

Day 16

Hell0 again! I was supposed to write this weeks ago, but I haven’t been motivated to. I wrote almost 2 months ago. That is a looong time. But now, here I am, so everything’s right in the world again. Continue reading “Day 16”

Day 14

Ah, the sweet feeling of tapping the keys of a uniquely designed keyboard and hearing the ‘t-t-t-t-t’ of each stroke. Continue reading “Day 14”

Day 10

First time this year, hurray, I’m sick. I know, lame. I’ve been provided with some time as I can’t go to basketball in this condition. I should talk about stuff. Just as an update, ya know? Continue reading “Day 10”

Day 6

Wow. It’s been a while since I actually wrote a day post. It’s sorta like you get so tied up in your life that you forget the little things that matter the most to you. So what’s up with me? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll, I have a lot of news.

  1. I now write sport articles about my school in a column in the newspaper (not like school newspaper but the actual newspaper that goes a around a whole bunch of towns and last Friday they published my first article, almost the whole page, too!
  2. I got a letter from the Poetry Institute of Canada that my poem, entitled “My Hellish Angel” (also located under the poetry/writing section of this marvelous website) is being published in an anthology! (I had submitted it to this contest with no intention of ever hearing anything back but hey, this works too.)
  3. My volleyball coaches are…eh.
  4. Oh and if you didn’t figure out from #3, I’m on the volleyball team.
  5. What else… oh yeah, I’m going to take pictures in a few towns down where it the aspen are turning yellow and it’s absolutely gorgeous up there.

So yeah, that’s whats been up with me… I’ll talk to you next time, whenever that may be. Hasta luego! Chau! Adios!

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